Leading as Lifeforce
Feminine leadership in Business
Purpose and Background
In the emerging network-based business landscape, the feminine is needed more than ever. In a digital and internet-based world with endless opportunities of what to invest your time and energy in, people will be drawn to initiatives and projects that vibrate with Feminine lifeforce.
It is the Feminine that can create the gravitational field and realness that will pull in the right resources, employees, and customers. The Feminine will fuel your ability to constantly adapt and guide your initiative to grow in line with a deeper purpose and larger ecosystem, which in turn is key to becoming one of the thriving network nodes.
However, most workplaces today are deeply steeped in the masculine, from the office environment and incentive structures to the leadership and project management styles of how we work.
How can we stay in our alive, powerful and eros-filled Feminine at work?
What is Feminine creation and project leadership?
How can we create a fruitful collaboration with the Masculine?
This workshop series aims to explore these very questions.
Ever since my awakening to the Feminine through Lovisa Alsén's Awakening Feminine Leadership path 6 years ago, I have been deeply studying the Feminine and Her relationship with the Masculine in projects and creative processes. Drawing from Lovisa’s teachings, my own and other women’s experiences, and several other profound bodies of work, I have created the Life Force Leadership Map - a framework and approach to leadership that artfully dances with the polarities of the Masculine and the Feminine, and unlocks crucial keys for succeeding in the network age of business.
This workshop series gives the foundations of The Lifeforce Leadership approach, with a focus on Feminine Project leadership and Her relationship and collaboration with the Masculine.
The course consists of two half day sessions. Each session will have different themes flowing through the feminine creation cycle, and will include:
Going into to our bodies and jewelpower together
Teaching and inspiration on the theme
Experience and practice on the theme to make it you own
Discussion, sharing and reflection to create wisdom together
This is a new and revolutionary body of practice that we are unfolding together, and I really look forward to learning together through sharing perspectives and experiences.
Session 1: The lost Feminine in creation and business and embodying the call
During this session we will explore the foundations of the Lifeforce Leadership Map to understand and get a common language on how the Feminine and Masculine create together. We will deepen our understanding of Feminine leadership and what it means to stand in our feminine and embody the call at work.
The lost Feminine and Her place in creativity, teams and organizations.
The lost Eros, Mystos and Nomos of Feminine Leadership
Feminine and Masculine project leadership
Session 2: Collaborating with the Holding and Creating Masculine
During this session we will explore understanding the Holding Masculine and how to collaborate, communicate and create together.
Being the call
The role of the call in all projects
Tapping into jewelpower and being the call at work
how to call in the holding masculine to hold space and listen
Taking Initiative with the Holding masculine
Seducing yourself into taking initiative, rather than pushing
How to invite the Holding Masculine to take initiative in service
Working with Source and creating creative hierarchies
Session 3: Collaborating with the Creative Masculine
During this session we will explore understanding the Creating Masculine and how to collaborate, communicate and create together.
Manifesting with the Creating masculine
Staying in jewelpower during manifestation
Doing from pleasure
How to invite the creating masculine to manifest and build in service
Guiding the Creating Masculine, whilst not emasculating/disempowering him
Lifeforce project management - getting efficient execution working in practice, sustained over time, and aligned with whole system purpose (the feminine call)
Guarding, closing and integrating
The role of the feminine whole in all projects
Stepping into the Black Panther and calling the Creating Masculine out with love
How to end and close with power
Harvesting and bringing the nutrient back to the earth for the next cycle
Transition and succession of source
Curious to join?
Answer the questions below and I will get back to you!