Leading with Integrity and Power
Exploring the Holding Masculine's relationship with the Feminine and the Creating Masculine
To succeed in the emerging business landscape, Holding Masculine leadership is needed to create:
Direction with integrity that doesn't lose power.
Powerful action that doesn't lose integrity.
This course is about exploring how this can be done.
In simplified terms, the masculine represents linear development, while the feminine embodies cyclical process. The agile paradigm and cutting edge leadership is based on combining driving development forward by iterating cyclically. It is often very challenging to hold both the linear and the cyclical simultaneously, and most progressive initiatives oscillate between:
A forward drive lacking depth in inspiration (what truly wants to be created here) and integrity (is this really what the world needs most right now). This leads to long-term lifelessness in the initiative and exploitation of one's environment.
having a lot of inspiration and integrity but poor results.
The role of the Holding Masculine is precisely this; to hold both the linear and the cyclical. To create direction with integrity that doesn't lose power and to step into powerful action that doesn't lose integrity.
There will be four 1,5 hour sessions. Each session will consist of inspiration, practice, discussion and commitment. In-between sessions there will be 30-45 min of preparation work. The learning will be based on both Fanny’s and the participants' own experiences.
Module 1: Understanding the true Feminine
- What Holding Masculine leadership is and why it is so needed in these times
- Understanding the three inhibited dimensions of the true Feminine and what she asks from us to be graced with her presence.
- Discovering your own relationship to the seductive, fierce and profoundly embodied Feminine.
Module 2: Grounding in Integrity and Hearing the call
- Understanding what makes you come alive and what makes you want to step into your Holding Masculine.
- Understanding the type of holding that best serves the Creating Feminine.
- How to create conditions for the Feminine call/inspiration to arise
- Improving your ability to listen to and interpret the Creating Feminine.
- Understanding how you can support the Creating Feminine in finding clarity.
- Recognizing when there is enough clarity and it's time to take the next step. -
Module 3: Clarifying direction
- Understanding the art of taking initiative and creating clarity and strategy, while maintaining responsiveness to the Feminine.
- How to clarify a direction for yourself and others that enables powerful, efficient action without losing integrity and life-force.
- Clarifying your own direction, role, and responsibility in your current projects.
- Enabling clarity within the projects, people and teams you lead.
Module 4: Stepping into powerful action
- Leading efficient Creating Masculine building, without loosing connection with the direction of the Holding Masculine, and the lifeforce of the Creating Feminine
- Understanding practically how to engage in action with integrity and power; incorporating the other three dimensions without losing forward momentum.
- Practicing setting direction for action by including, collaborating with, and receiving support from the Holding Feminine.
- Understanding what the Holding Feminine needs from you for fruitful collaboration.
- Recognizing when it's time to conclude ongoing actions in order to find a new direction.
Curious to join?
Answer the questions below and I will get back to you!